Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical engineering is one of the latest engineering sciences emerging with the development of modern medicine.
After physicians complete all tasks of diagnosis, treatment, and even manufacture of drugs on their own, biomedical engineers become important partners for physicians in the diagnosis, treatment, and treatment of patients. And given the urgent need to develop medical devices to serve the health of patients and their speedy recovery, it requires the intervention of experts from fields outside medicine to design these devices, such as electrical, mechanical, and computer engineers.
These engineers must also be familiar with medical sciences such as human anatomy and physiology, as well as other medical sciences, to understand how each of these systems works. They use their knowledge and engineering expertise to develop these devices. And here was the beginning of this advanced specialization at the level of the two fields.
“Biomedical Engineering” is concerned with the study of the human body, but from an engineering point of view.
The main tasks of biomedical engineering are to know the human body or the body of an organism so thoroughly that it can come up with prostheses, organs or medical devices that are suitable for each organism individually.
Biomedical engineering arose as a result of developments in the fields of medicine, engineering, and biology in general, and as a result of the development of modern medicine in particular.

Biomedical engineering majors
-Biomechanics and Tissue Engineering
-Bio Signal Processing
-Neural Engineering
majors related to bioengineering
There are also some majors related to medical and bioengineering, such as:
- Surgical instruments and medical devices
- Biomaterials
- Telehealth
- Medical Diagnostic Imaging
Major Tuition Fees
Biomedical engineering subjects
- Physiology and Anatomy
- Physio Anatomy Lab
- Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
- Economics and Engineering Management
- Introduction to linear systems
- Electrical Circuit Analysis
- Electric Circuit Analysis Lab
- Tools for Biomedical Engineers
- Statistics for Biomedical Engineers
- Numerical Methods for Engineers
- Medical Electronics
- Medical Electronics Lab
- Biomedical Signals and Systems
- Biomechanics – Biomechanics
- Bio Fluid Mechanics
- Thermodynamics
- Biomedical Instrumentation
- Biomedical Instrumentation Lab
- Biomedical Sensor and Transducers
- Digital Signal Processing
- Physiological Modeling and Control Systems
- Physiological Modeling and Control Systems Lab
- Introduction to Biomedical Materials
- Biomedical Transport Phenomena
- Medical Imaging Systems
- Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems
- Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems Lab
- Biomedical Engineering Design
- Engineering Training
- Sensors and Bio Measurements Lab
- Biomechanics and Biomaterials Lab
- Cell and Molecular Biotechnology
- Organic Chemistry
- Biochemistry
- General Biology
- Digital Image Processing
- Prosthetic and corrective alternatives
- Total Body and Occupational Biomechanics
- Tissue Biomechanics
- Biomes and Nanotechnology
- Physiological Fluid Mechanics
- Artificial Organs
- Protein and Cell Engineering
- Tissue Engineering
- Bionyms and Nanomedicine
- Control and Communication in the Nervous System
- Diagnostics and treatment using ultrasound
- Bioinformatics
- Magnetic resonance imaging
- Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology
- Therapeutic Devices
- Introduction to Biomedical Optics
- Medical Informatics and Clinical Engineering
- Healthcare Management Systems
Turkish universities usually conduct practical training for students in the field of medical device engineering in the third and fourth years before graduation, both on and off campus, to ensure that students are able and qualified to obtain a degree.I have job opportunities in different institutions.
Job Opportunities
Where are the job opportunities for medical engineering graduates (medical device engineering) located:
- Hospitals and health centers
- Professional medical company
- Medical Device Manufacturing Research Center
- Organizations that manufacture, sell and supply medical equipment and supplies
- Health institution information processing unit